FlexPaper 2.4.5 Release Notes

4 April 2016

March was another busy month for us with lots of improvements. Among the biggest enhancements this month are:

  • A major overhaul of our font conversion service for Elements speeding up performance and provides greater stability (Elements)
  • It is now possible to add imges, links and videos to Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • FlexPaper Zine now takes page labels (if any exist in the PDF) into consideration when displaying the page number in the toolbar. (Desktop Publisher)
  • Optimized saving backgrounds for Elements so that they are saved in SVG when available and not saved at all if the background is all white (Elements)
  • Significant improvments in publishing speed for Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved pixel accuracy in images/text for Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Performance improvements to Slide mode in Elements (Destop Publisher)
  • Added the ability to save Zine styles as new templates which will appear in the template drop down list if saved (Desktop Publisher)

Minor enhancements and bug fixes:

  • Slovak language added to our viewers (Classic,Zine,Elements)
  • Added the ability to draw links, videos, images outside of the page area and fixed an issue where resizing the editor wouldn’t reposition elements properly (Desktop Publisher)
  • Added the ability to select text in Zine when zoomed in with flip book mode activated (Zine)
  • Improved link detection so that links are kept better intact (Zine, Desktop Publisher)
  • Lots of improvements for text positioning for Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved font loading in Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved subpixel positioning in Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where two fold publications would not apply annotations in the right positions properly (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where some two fold publications would not render thumbnails properly (Desktop Publisher)
  • Corrected a build error where two fold publications would be incorrectly adjusted (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where multi-domain accounts were not being able to register the second domain in some cases (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where links were added with an incorrect xml namespace in Zine via the Desktop Publisher (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where using custom folder would cause “view in browser” not to work for Elements (Elements)
  • Fixed an issue where two fold publications wouldn’t render as HTML5 but rather HTML4 through the desktop publisher (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where external links blocked by pop up blocker wouldn’t show (Zine, Classic, Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where some internal links wouldn’t navigate properly on iOS devices (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where two fold publications would not adjust their text fragments properly in some cases (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where the zoom slider wasn’t reacting properly in some cases (Classic)
  • Fixed an issue where the desktop publisher was registering blank domains in some cases (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where it wasn’t possible to see the bottom TOC items in some screen resolutions (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where the publisher was defaulting to HTML4 for the final copy in some cases (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where some annotations would be mispositioned in portrait mode when running single mode if the publication had differently sized pages (Classic)
  • Fixed an issue where obfuscated fonts were not being embedded in the final copy properly (Desktop Publisher)
  • Switched from using fragments/ dir to docs/ for Elements and fixed an issue related to cleaning up previous directories when switching viewer (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where EOT fonts would not convert properly and improved character encoding (Elements)
  • Fixed an issue where setting a background image would not clear when opening a new Zine publication (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where fonts were not being fetched properly when choosing “From URL” in Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where fonts were not loaded properly before tested in the font switcher (Desktop Publisher)
  • Corrected an issue where documents with fragmented text would get degraded performance in Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where dismissed messages would show repeatedly (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue related to ligatures (fi,fl,ffl ..) not being converted properly in Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Reduce flickering on Chrome and Safari when turning pages in Elements (flip mode) (Desktop Publisher)