
Select the version of FlowPaper that is right for you

Run in Chrome / Edge

Runs right in your browser.

Compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux.
Requires Chrome version 86 or higher.

Install on your PC

Installs on your Computer.

Requires Windows version 8 or higher.

Are you a Developer?

Download FlowPaper Javascript Package and use the Javascript API to publish your PDFs.

Join thousands of others and turn your PDFs into interactive web publications

Download our web based PDF viewer or desktop publisher to create publications for the web using your Mac, Windows PC or using our Javascript API. Create responsive web publications using PDF documents and deliver a realistic page flipping experience. Convert your content to HTML5 elements and reach all devices.


Turn your PDFs into online publications.


Desktop & mobile-friendly
Use 1 publisher workstation
Try FlowPaper for 14 days
FlowPaper Branding
Skin and interface customization
Cloud Hosting
GDPR Compliant
Add realistic page flip effects
Import table of contents
Google Analytics integration
Add Links, videos and images
Publication protection
SEO optimization

Create flipbooks with the Zine template. Keep your publications forever.

$75 USD

One time fee
Publish to domain
Use 1 publisher workstation
Create Unlimited publications
No FlowPaper logo, No Ads
Self Hosting
Cloud Hosting
GDPR Compliant

Includes 1-year free access to FlowPaper services, which includes upgrades and cloud hosting.

No lock in - keep your publications forever

Includes Lifetime Zine License

Create web publications with Zine+Elements and keep them forever.

$85 USD

Publish to unlimited domains
Use publisher workstations
Create Unlimited publications
No FlowPaper logo, No Ads
Self Hosting
Cloud Hosting
GDPR Compliant
Add Text & Image Animations
Heatmap Analytics
Google Translate Support
Convert PDFs into web pages
Convert PDF to EPUB
Lock content to your domain
Stronger Content Protection

Includes a lifetime ZINE license for you to keep forever, even if you end your subscription

Access to FlowPaper services, which includes upgrades and cloud hosting.

No lock in - end your subscription at any time and keep your publications forever

Includes Lifetime Zine License

Create apps+web publications with Zine+Elements and keep them forever.


Billed annually
Publish to unlimited domains
Use on 20 of publisher workstations
Create Unlimited publications
No FlowPaper logo, No Ads
Self Hosting
Cloud Hosting
GDPR Compliant
Priority Support
Distribute iOS and Android Apps
Publish to Apple News+
Deeper Engagement Analytics

Includes a lifetime ZINE license for you to keep forever, even if you end your subscription

Access to FlowPaper services, which includes upgrades and cloud hosting.

No lock in - end your subscription at any time and keep your publications forever

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a FlowPaper services account?

A FlowPaper services account gives you access to upgrades (new releases) and cloud hosting. FlowPaper Zine licenses include access to FlowPaper services for 12 months from date of purchase. The current quota for service accounts is 50 active publications for Zine, 75 publications for Creative account holders and 500 publications for Team and Enterprise license holders. Active Creative and Enterprise subscription accounts can always access these services. You can purchase an additional year of access to FlowPaper services at discounted price (50% of original license fee) if you want to renew access to these services.

What does 'Workstation' mean?

A workstation is a computer with installed software. So, for example, if you go with the FlowPaper Creative License, you can install and use it on two computers at the same time. If you need to change computer then simply uninstall it on the previous workstation before installing it again.

What happens to the publications I have shared on FlowPaper Cloud if I don't renew my FlowPaper services account?

Your publications will enter a 6 months 'grace' period period where they will become branded with our logo if you don't renew your account. We reserve the right to remove your publications from our servers after this date if you don't renew your account. Note that if you host your own publications (on your own website) then nothing of this applies to you. This is only for publications that are uploaded to the FlowPaper Cloud. There is no requirement to use FlowPaper Cloud, you can host your publications wherever you like.

What is FlowPaper Cloud?

FlowPaper Cloud is a integrated online service designed for hosting and distribution for your publications. It is designed to make it easy to share publications for those who don't have their own hosting and when you just want to upload and share a publication quickly. Your publications are securely and efficiently hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and CloudFlare when uploaded to FlowPaper Cloud.

How do I host the content I create using your products?

You can choose to host your content yourself or using our cloud services. We believe that you should be in control over where and how your content is made available. No lock in subscriptions or page view restrictions & you always keep the publications you have created. Your content, your business.

How do I end my 'Creative' subscription?

You can end your subscription at any time. If this happens during a current billing period, your license will stay active until the end of that period. If you are a FlowPaper Creative or Enterprise subscriber, then you will gain a lifetime Zine license at the end of the current billing period. When this happens, you use our software under the Zine license agreement. The Zine only license you receive does not include updates.

Can I keep my publications if I end my subscription?

Yes. Any publication that you have already published will be yours to keep as is. If you want to edit any PDF document further, you will need to buy a new subscription.

Does Zine and Classic licensing include sub domains?

Yes, any sub domain(s) to the registered domain that is connected to your license is included under the same license.

What payment options do you have?

Our main payment provider is Stripe. If you have problems using a credit card with Stripe then use our alternative credit card payment provider, PayPal. We also accept payments via bank wire and invoice. You can find more information about our alternative payment options here.

Does FlowPaper offer any discounts?

Yes, we offer a 20% discount to educational institutions and startups. If this applies to you then contact us via email after you have purchased your license and we will refund the discount back to your account.

Does a FlowPaper license come without branding?

Yes, all commercial licenses include an unbranded viewer.

Can I switch plans?

Yes. You can switch plans whenever you want. However, no refund will be made for annual billed subscription plans. Your subscription license will stay active until the billing period ends. If you want to upgrade from a Zine license to a Creative or Enterprise subscription, you only need to pay the difference.