Copy & paste – a must in any serious digital publications viewer

8 May 2014

If you like me like to copy and paste text from one website or digital publication (mostly a PDF) into a chat window or another document, then you also know the annoyance you feel when you can’t select anything from the document or website. Inside you groan a little over the fact that you have to retype it all.

In truth, this fortunately doesn’t happen to often, but if you frequently visit the same website and want to use their content, your user experience get affected by this annoying itchy little problem. It is one of the basics that just has to work.

The feeling is the same for your customers if your digital publications won’t allow the user to select and copy text and of course you don’t want that. No matter the technology you choose to operate FlexPaper viewers in (HTML, HTML5 or Flash), they all support the full range of copy and paste commands. It might seem small, but this function is one of those that people never think about until it doesn’t work and they are left annoyed over such a basic function failure.

Here are some examples in FlexPaper viewers for you to check out and test the different technology modes:

If you have material you don’t want people to select and copy, FlexPaper viewers come with the ability to make this feature inactive.


of the FlexPaper Team