FlowPaper 3.1.2 Release Notes

23 October 2017

The points below highlight some of the more noticeable changes this month. Mainly Elements and Zine has been affected by this months changes.

**How to update
** You typically don’t need to update your converted resources if you’re only interested in behavioural fixes. You can replace the js/ and css/ directory of any existing publication to update.


  • Added support for YouTube’s short url variant (youtu.be) (Desktop Publisher)
  • Added the ability to export invisible text for Zine (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved rendering for Zine in Firefox (Desktop Publisher)
  • Zine is now able to show the outline of a document when only providing a PDF file (Zine)
  • Improved page loading to avoid pages being interrupted incorrectly on slow network connections (Zine)
  • Improved output rendering quality for two-fold publications in flatten/compressed mode (Desktop Publisher, Zine)
  • It is now possible to define where sections should start when using the Reflowable mode (Desktop Publisher)
  • Its now possible to go into full screen (simulated) in iOS when using Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Various improvements to the editing mode for Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improvements to the reflow TOC menu that pops up from the top right corner (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved font loading for IE / Edge when using flatten/compress (Zine, Desktop Publisher)
  • Zine now updates the #page hash parameter when navigating, making it easier to return to the last read page when returning to the viewer (Zine)
  • Improved bottom margin for Zine when using the viewer without bottom thumb nails (Desktop Publisher)
  • Improved the Elements mode so that fonts won’t need re-conversion when opening existing publications (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where the TOC changes were not being saved when using the Elements viewer after reopening a existing publication (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where the publication title was incorrectly escaped when publication preview was set (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where some fonts went missing after changing output settings under Zine (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where PDFs using non-embedded standard fonts where texts that had italic were not having their italic set properly (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where the zine viewer would get 35px padding area at the bottom of the viewer after a resize occurred for some scenarios (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where uploading to the cloud service failed in some cases where the file got locked by the file system (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where disabling the bottom thumbnails in Zine would render a margin too small in some browsers (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where importing multiple files at the same time would import the files in wrong order in some cases (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where relatively positioned viewers were causing the text to be mispositioned in some cases (Zine)
  • Fixed an issue where soft hyphens were appearing incorrectly in FlowPaper Elements (Desktop Publisher)
  • Fixed an issue where uploading the same publication twice to FlowPaper cloud would fail to refresh the publication (Desktop Publisher)